Article sections

    Let’s begin the customization process, for the newly installed theme. You have to know that, once begun, customizing your website is a as simple as that. All you have to do is follow the instructions and prepare the elements which best represent your blog/company/store.

    The first thing to do is to go to Appearance -> Themes -> Customize.

    1. Browsing through the list of the header designs

    You begin by adapting the Front Page header designs to the website you want to create. The corresponding section is titled as such: Front Page Header Designs. It is the first section, waiting for you to click on it and go to the selection of header designs. Once you click on the arrow, you are directed to the list of 10+ front page header designs, for you to choose from.

    Each of them has a brief presentation. Some of them are presented alongside with their characteristics, some others are titled according to the specific business they are suited for.

    Therefore, you can customize using the design for “full height image with colour overlay”, “video background with bottom separator”, “gradient background with image and text”, “image background with text content (default)” – this is the default design used after the theme has been installed, “Video in lightbox”, “Video and text header”, “PR Consulting”, “Thai Massage”, “Creative Agency”, “Interior Design”, “Personal Portfolio”, “Mobile App”, “Web App”, “Multiple Images”.

    2. Choosing the header design

    When you hover over with the mouse, each design shows a right bar with a magnifier at the center. If you put the cursor over it, a larger preview of the header design opens. Choose the header design you want to apply to your website.

    3. Applying the header design of your choice

    Once you have made your choice, and selected the design that perfectly suits your business, all you need to do is press the “Apply Preset” button, at the center of the respective design in the list. When you place the mouse over the preferred header design, this button will appear. After clicking on “Apply Preset”, you will see that the header design changes in the preview mode, on the right hand on your screen.

    4. Test on different devices

    At the right bottom of the customizer, you find the option to test how the header design shows on different devices: desktop, tablet or mobile.

    5. Going live

    Do not forget to press “Publish”, after you have made the changes to the header design, in the customizer.