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    For your website to be truly top-of-the-line, you need an expressive logo that is well integrated into the website.

    Mesmerize comes equipped with all the needed customization options for you to stylishly integrate the logo into your website.

    Go to the Customizer -> General Settings -> Site Identity.

    Here, you have different settings for logo, dark logo, site title and tagline, and more than that. Note that the settings you apply to the logo from this section are applied to all pages in the website.

    1. Logo

    If you already have a logo (image, or image + text), you can upload it from your computer, in the Logo subsection.

    Any time, you have the possibility to change the logo or remove it completely.

    Logo Max Height – You have the option to define from here the height over which the logo image is deployed. The values are expressed in pixels; the larger the values, the higher the logo.

    Alternate Text Logo Words – this feature allows you to display some alternative words to your logo, whenever the logo is not loading or displayed to your users. It functions identically to an ALT text for an image.

    2. Dark Logo

    From here, you can upload a dark logo, change it or remove it completely whenever you want.

    3. Site Title

    The title of the website is visible in the tab where you open the home page of the respective website. It is placed in the Title section of the header META TAGs.

    Insert a site title from this subsection.

     4. Tagline

    The tagline is visible in the tab where you open the home page of that website. It is placed in the Title section of the header META TAGs, after the title.

    Insert a tagline from this subsection.

    5. Site Icon

    A site icon, aka favicon, is the symbol you see in the browser tab or in the bookmarks bar, as representative for the website.

    Upload a site icon and it will be shown like this:

    You can change the icon or remove it completely.

    Mesmerize recommends that site icons should be square and at least 512 × 512 pixels.