In the customizer, go to HERO -> INNER PAGES HERO.
From this section in the customizer, you can set your preferences for the content layout, dimensions and typography.
Text Align – use this option to decide upon the alignment of the hero text for the inner pages. Choose from left, center and right.
Show subtitle – Check this checkbox to use a subtitle phrase (it may serve as a short blog description). Otherwise, for not showing a subtitle, leave the checkbox unchecked.
- Click on Subtitle Options, to open the panel with typography options. Adjust values for:
- Font Family – select a font for the text, or add a web font you want
- Variant
- Font Size – set the size of the text font, to larger or smaller values (for desktop)
- Mobile Font Size – set the size of the text font, to larger or smaller values (for mobile devices)
- Line Height – define the height of the text font, and the distance between two rows of text
- Letter Spacing – this is the space between the letters of the subtitle
- Text Transform – this refers to capitalization, lower case, upper case, etc.
Color – select the color that will be applied to the text. For visibility reasons, the color should be lighter, in case the text is placed on a dark-colored background, or the color should be darker, in case the text is placed on a light-colored background.
Title Options – click on Title Options and open a panel where you can make changes to the style of your inner pages title.
- Title Typography – adjust the typography settings of your title phrase:
- Font Family – select a font for the text, or add a web font you want
- Variant
- Font Size – set the size of the text font, to larger or smaller values (for desktop)
- Mobile Font Size – set the size of the text font, to larger or smaller values (for mobile devices)
- Line Height – define the height of the text font, and the distance between two rows of text
- Letter Spacing – this is the space between the letters of the title phrase
- Text Transform – this refers to capitalization, lower case, upper case, etc.
- Color – select the color that will be applied to the text. For visibility reasons, the color should be lighter, in case the text is placed on a dark-colored background, or the color should be darker, in case the text is placed on a light-colored background.
Content Spacing – this option refers to the distance of the content from the top and to the bottom of the inner page hero. It is expressed in percentages.