Article sections

    Mesmerize facilitates the editing process, to the extent it offers 3 different places where you can edit content sections. One of these places is directly in the customizer preview. Text, buttons, images can be adjusted in the preview mode, so you can easily compare the changes against the overall look of the page.

    For enabling the editing mode, you have to click the pencil icon inside an element (text, image, button) and start playing with different content versions.


    For text, there are the following options:

    • Apply a certain font family
    • Add a web font of your own
    • Write some text with italics
    • Underline a text excerpt
    • Turn to strikethrough text
    • Turn to superscript
    • Turn to subscript
    • Align the text (left, center, right, justify)
    • Change the default color of the text.

    For buttons, when you click on the pencil icon inside the element, a popup will open with the customization options. They are as follows:

    • Attach to the button the text of your choice
    • Provide the link that will open a certain page or page section when the button is clicked
    • Choose to open the link in the same tab or in a different tab
    • Define the dimensions of the button (small, big, normal)
    • Apply shadow effect to the button
    • Choose the color for the button
    • Define the shape of the button
    • Choose a specific icon to attach to the button
    • Set the button to visible/not visible


    Do not forget to press “Apply changes” once you have found the right customizations for that button.

    For images, when you click the pencil icon inside the element, a popup will open where you upload and adjust the images to be inserted in the section.

    To customize images, the options are:

    • First, you can crop the image
    • Provide the link to a page or section where the readers will be driven when they click the image
    • Give a title to the image (useful for correctly integrating the meaning of the image into the overall content)
    • Attach a caption (small description) to the image
    • Provide an alternate text (ALT text) to the image (useful for devices where the image is not visible)
    • You can edit the image properties.