Go to the Customizer -> Footer Settings.
There are several options that can help you determine the right colors match. Click on Footer Colors Options and a panel will expand, with the customization options:
Here are the different options explained:
Title Color
This is the color specific to the title. It will be visible for the footer template that includes a title in its content (e.g. Footer 7 Template).
Paragraph Color
This is the color specific to the text of the paragraphs.
Anchor Color
This is the color specific to anchor elements (anchor of the links).
Anchor Color on Hover
This is the color specific to anchor elements, when hovering over with the mouse (anchor of the links).
Icon Color
This is the color of the social media icons.
Icon Color on Hover
This is the color of the social media icons, when hovering over them with the mouse.
Accent Background Color
This is the color of the last content box, which you can make more prominent by accentuating its color.