In addition to the content already in place in predefined content sections, you can add some other elements you might need.
Go to the live preview, hover over an existing element and an “Add element” button will appear.
Choose the element type you want to include in the content section and customize it.
Add Links
Links are the first elements in the list of items you can include in a section. Click on the link symbol and a popup will open, where you can set the parameters specific to that link.
- Write down the text associated with that link (anchor text), in the first field
- Specify the path to the page/section where the link will drive users
- Decide whether the link opens in the same tab or in a new tab.
Add Buttons
Buttons come second in the list of items you can include in a section. Click on the buttons symbol and a popup will open, where you can set the parameters specific to that button.
- Specify what text will be associated with the button
- Give the link to where users will land on, after having clicked on the button
- Decide whether the link opens in the same tab or in a different tab
- Define the dimensions of the button (choose among small, normal & big)
- Apply a shadow effect to the button
- Set the button color
- Set the color of the button text
- Choose the form of the button (square, round, round outline, etc.)
- Attach an icon to the newly created button (you can browse through a wide list of available icons).
Add Images
Click on “Add Element” at the bottom of an existing element in a content section, and then click on the image symbol. Upload an image of your choice and crop it for the best match in that section.
Add Headings
Click on the H# symbol and select the type of heading you want to include in the content section (H1..H6). It serves to better structure the text in the content sections, and it will better organize your presentation.
Use the blue arrow for drag and drop, to rearrange headings in relation to the rest of the text.
You can also add elements such as:
- Paragraphs
- Leads (more detailed text presentations)
- Custom shortcodes
- Widgets Areas.