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    After purchasing Highlight PRO, you should have received a message with the download link for the theme. Click on it, download the Highlight theme in .zip file format and save it on your personal device.

    Let’s begin its installation for your site:


    1. Enter the WordPress Admin Dashboard.
    2. In the left-hand menu, choose the Appearance section, and click on the Themes subsection.



    1. In the dashboard, click on the Add New button next to “Themes”.
    2. You’ll be taken to an interface where you’ll find the Upload Theme button. Click on it.



    1. You’ll be prompted to choose the file that’ll be uploaded. Click on Choose File and select the Highlight PRO .zip file you saved on your device. After having selected the file, press Install Now.



    1. Wait until the theme installation is finished. At the end of the installation process, you’ll receive a message saying: Theme installed successfully, like in the screenshot below:



    1. For Highlight PRO to be active so you can start customizing the website, you need to press one more button. Under the message about installation success, you’ll find 3 options:

    Live Preview, Activate and Return to Themes Page.

    You need to click on the second option, for activating the theme. Click on Activate.

    After the theme has been activated, you’ll be automatically taken to the Themes Page, where you can check that Highlight is successfully installed and active for your website:



    A message at the bottom of the theme preview confirms that Highlight PRO is the active theme for your website.